3 reasons why you should come to a spring sports camp with us

Next Level Spring Camp

Have you ever thought about what percentage of the day you spend in the office or at home? Let us help you – it’s a lot!

Outdoor sports bring many positives. As the weather warms, so do opportunities for more outdoor activities. And our sports camp in the town of Dolna Banya from May 23 to 26 will be full of them.

In addition to gathering some of our favorite trainers for it – Delyana Hoang, Rosen Kotev and Snezhana Terzieva, we prepared to fill you with 3 reasons why outdoor training is good for you. Read and register at the reception desk in each of our clubs.

What are the benefits of outdoor training?

Exercising outside will improve your mood

Exercising outdoors is different from your workout at home or in the gym, starting with the difference in the air you breathe. Most likely, you felt the change in yourself – your body and mood after you went for a walk outside, even if it was just to the store. Now we will explain why:

  • Practicing sports activities in nature exposes the human body to tiny particles and phytochemicals secreted by plants. They enter your bloodstream and as a result reduce cortisol in your saliva;
  • The level of depression decreases;
  • Anger subsides.

You don’t need to spend a lot of your time working out. British scientists have found that even 5 minutes of exercise in nature has a positive effect on a person’s mood.

Exercising outside boosts your immunity

Exercising outside exposes you to fluctuating temperatures over which you have no control. This forces your body to regulate its own temperature so that it adapts to the temperature outside, and in this way your body becomes more resistant to stress (mental and physical), and your cardiovascular system will improve its performance significantly.

If your body is constantly trying to adjust to the temperature amplitudes, then it will burn many more calories while exercising. So it’s a double win for you!

Exercising outside recharges you with vitamin D from the sun

Did you also know that sunlight reduces depression by up to 71%, and the blue spectrum you get from the sun’s rays is extremely beneficial for good sleep.

In other words, you no longer have an excuse not to join our camp, during which we will train and hike in nature together.

NEXT LEVEL SPRING CAMP! 3 days, 3 trainers with a prepared program for you, and between classes – relaxation in a wonderful place.

Did we grab your attention? Choose one of the following packages we offer and sign up at the reception in a club convenient for you:

  • Package with 2 nights
    Price per person for double occupancy in a room: BGN 450.
    Price per person for triple occupancy in a room: BGN 350.
  • Package with 3 nights
    Price per person for double occupancy in a room: BGN 580.
    Price per person for triple occupancy in a room: BGN 500.

We have also thought of families who want to rest and train together.

  • Package for three (two parents + 1 child) with 2 nights: BGN 850.
  • Package for three (two parents + 1 child) with 3 nights: BGN 1,180.

Time is running out, and registrations are open until May 1st, so hurry! We are waiting for you in the Europa complex!

See more information HERE.