Best of Les Mills 4, we are waiting for you at the blue stadium in NSA!

Best of Les Mills

Yes, you are not imagining things, this is reality! Best of Les Mills 4 is at the door and waiting for you for a smashing but satisfying Sunday.

Save the date June 2 because it is destined for a bunch of new experiences and sports activities!

The best Les Mills trainers are already rubbing their hands and they are looking forward to the blue NSA stadium. They have prepared a special program that will recharge you and get you fired up for many more intense workouts!

The event is suitable for everyone! If you are a beginner who wants to experience the emotion and energy of Les Mills group classes, we suggest you buy the first option with a break after the first class, so that you have time to recharge and experience the emotion of the next workouts at max.

If you are one of our regular customers who do not miss a workout from the Les Mills programs in one of our clubs and you have enough training, then the second option is perfect for you! Test yourself and your abilities in 5 consecutive training sessions. Naturally, there will be short breaks after each one… We’re not that bad. 😉

We also have a surprise…
The new choreographies for Q2 will be presented for the first time!


  • 10:00 – 11:00 – Best of BodyPump

New choreographies:

  • 11:15 – 12:15 – BodyPump
  • 12:30 – 13:00 – Grit
  • 13:30 – 14:30 – BodyAttack
  • 14:45 – 15:30 – Core
  • 15:45 – 16:45 – BodyCombat

Don’t wait, buy a ticket now and rest assured that you have reserved your seat.

👉 Buy from here

Let’s give you a little background on each program so you’re prepared for what’s next.

What are Les Mills classes?


BODYPUMP is exactly what it sounds like – a full body workout that challenges you in every way. One of the best things about this type of workout is that it’s designed for both men and women of all ages and fitness levels.

Exercises are performed only with a barbell or with relatively light weights at first, focusing on the number of repetitions. When you feel ready, you can always level up at your own pace. 😉

The benefit of this type of exercise is that it quickly raises your heart rate and helps build muscle faster while improving bone strength and density.

You can see more information in our article “EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BODYPUMP”.


BODYCOMBAT workouts will help you get into summer shape more easily, burning between 400 and 800 calories. This high-intensity, martial arts-inspired workout is completely non-contact and has no complex movements to master. Our instructors will challenge you to increase the intensity and motivate you to get the most out of each round. You will de-stress, have fun and feel like a champion.

BODYCOMBAT will train your entire body and improve your form, speed and strength. The workouts include leg exercises to tone the arms, back and shoulders, thus providing a phenomenal full body workout. Burn calories while simultaneously developing coordination, agility and speed.


BODYATTACK is a highly effective group workout with moves that are suitable for both complete beginners and fully-addicted fitness enthusiasts. The workout combines athletic movements such as running, lunging and jumping with strength exercises such as push-ups and squats.

BODYATTACK is a full body workout that burns calories while toning and shaping. You’ll build endurance while sports-inspired movements improve your coordination and agility.


High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is any exercise that involves short but intense periods of exertion followed by recovery periods. The idea is that you can reach your physical limits for a short period of time, rest and then repeat the exercise. This rotation allows you to reach your maximum load, where the training actually pays off.

It all comes down to the specific movements and how they are structured. What’s unique about LES MILLS GRIT workouts is that they’ve been tested and refined, so you can be sure that the sequence of exercises and duration will produce the results you’re hoping for.

You can find more about this type of high-intensity training in the article “EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LES MILLS GRIT”.


Inspired by elite athletic training principles, LES MILLS CORE is a scientific core workout for incredible tone and athletic performance. Build strength, stability and endurance in the muscles that support your core, improve balance, help prevent injuries and get better at everything you do.

All moves in LES MILLS CORE have options, so they’re challenging no matter your fitness level. During the workout, our instructors will show you proper technique while working with different weights, as well as bodyweight exercises like sit-ups. In addition, exercises for the hips, buttocks and lower back are also included.

Did you find it interesting? Learn more about Core training at “EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LES MILLS CORE”.


We hope we have ignited the sports fire in you and see you at Best of Les Mills 4! We from the team will also be there, among the trainees, to empathize with the many flowing… sweat and good mood.

Let’s start the summer with training and unforgettable moments!

Join your Next Level! 😉